How to get from New York to Washington (train or bus)


This guide on how to get from New York to Washington will show you the different alternatives to make the transfer to the capital of the United States.
Packed with official government buildings, memorials and impressive museums, Washington is among the best excursions in New York that you can do and although the distance of more than 300 kilometers that separates the two cities is considerable, good communication by train, bus or plane, lets you know the most interesting points of Washington DC even if you have only one or two days.

Based on the experience of our last trip to the city of skyscrapers, during which we made the trip to Washington from New York, we explain all the options for you to choose the one that best suits your preferences. We start!

How to get from New York to Washington by bus

The cheapest way to go from New York to Washington is to take the bus that makes the journey in about 4 hours and costs between 10 and 30 euros, depending on the anticipation with which you book the tickets.
The majority of trusted companies that make this route such as Megabus, Greyhound, Boltbus or Flixbus, leave areas near Penn Station (line 1, 2 and 3 subway) or Hudson Yards (line 7 subway). You can check the schedules and the location of the stops on the page of each company.
In addition to having comfortable seats and wifi on board, these buses have numerous departures 24 hours a day, so you can start the excursion very early, take advantage of the full day in Washington and return at night.
Once you arrive in Washington, the bus will leave you at a stop near Union Station, 15 minutes walk from the Capitol and the National Mall, where most of the city's attractions are concentrated.

A more interesting option to know the history of the city and not miss anything important is to book this tour by bus with a guide in Spanish or this private one, which is perfect for groups.

National Mall

If you have more days you can go from New York to Washington Booking one of these recommended excursions with a guide in Spanish:

How to get to Washington from New York by train

The train from New York to Washington will cost you more than the bus, between 50 and 100 dollars, although you will save half an hour in time. These trains depart from Penn Station and leave you near the Union Station bus stop.

Another option for get to Washington from New York It is the plane that takes an hour and if you book in advance you can get quite good price. For us it is another option, such as that of the train, less advisable when wasting a lot of time in the airport transfers to the center and vice versa.


How to visit Washington

If you plan to spend the night in the city, we recommend accommodation near Union Station and the National Mall, where most of Washington DC's points of interest are located.
In this case, a very advisable accommodation is the Phoenix Park Hotel, located a few meters from Union Station and the red metro line.
In addition to its excellent location, the hotel offers comfortable rooms, 24-hour reception, friendly staff and one of the best quality / price ratios.

Once you have decided on the issue of transfer from New York to Washington and when you book the hotel, you can prepare your itineraries around the city with this Washington guide in one day and this list of the best things to see and do in Washington
